First map of Earth’s lost continent

Zealandia, known as Te Riu-a-Māui in the Māori language, covers more than 5 million square kilometres, making it twice the size of the subcontinent of India.
Little is known about the recently discovered continent, mainly due to it being almost completely inaccessible. However, a team of geologists from all over the world have compiled a new geological map containing Zealandia. The map was formed using a combination of rock samples recovered from the sea and geophysical mapping methods.
Geologists discovered large sandstone formations and deposits of basaltic rock pebbles, following the outer margins of Zealandia as they searched for samples.
The sandstones are believed to be around 95 million years old and contain older granite and volcanic pebbles, suggesting that when Zealandia was dry land the rivers flowing from volcanic highlands filled up tectonic basins.